Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Chinese New Years After Action Report

Now that Chinese New Years has been over for almost a month, I have found the spare time to finally tell y'all how the big New Years party went. However, since it has been so long, I have forgotten everything other than a whole lot of family and friends came over and there was the playing of majiang, the eating of food, and much talk about exciting subjects like fiber intake and law school selection. Yes, that's right, fiber. My aunt and I talked about fiber and nutrition for well over an hour to the puzzlement of everyone else in the room who didn't share our concern for food.

Other than that, the rest of that day was forgotten. Luckily, I had enough foresight to photograph the event (well, the food, at least)...

From 12'oclock in this picture, we have Chinese buns, spring rolls, egg tarts, and oversized Indonesian shrimp chips. The circular box in the center has an assortment of candied fruits that seem to only show up around Chinese New Years.

This is what we had for dinner. White rice, spare ribs, stir fried vegetables, shredded pork, crab, chicken, mushrooms (recipe on this blog), shrimp, tofu, roast pork, pig's feet, and duck.

Lastly, we have some desserts. Picture is a sweet red bean soup, flan, carrot cake, and tiramisu.
The tiramisu, though not firm enough, tasted great. The flan was made by a family friend who specializes in baking desserts and it was absolutely delicious.

Hopefully, I will be posting on this blog more often in the future. I'll likely have another recipe up by the end of the week.

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